Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Story Telling : The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time in a lush, green forest, there lived a hare who was very proud of his speed. He loved to boast about how fast he could run and often teased the other animals for being slow. Among those animals was a tortoise, who was known for his slow and steady pace.

One day, tired of the hare's arrogance, the tortoise decided to challenge him to a race. The hare, finding this challenge amusing, agreed immediately and laughed, "This is going to be the easiest race of my life!"

On the day of the race, all the forest animals gathered to watch. The starting point was marked, and the race course was set through the forest, ending at a big oak tree on the other side.

"Ready, set, go!" the signal was given, and the hare zoomed off, leaving the tortoise far behind. Confident of his easy victory, the hare decided to have some fun. He ran ahead to a shady spot, lay down, and took a nap, thinking he had plenty of time to finish the race later.

Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to plod along steadily. He didn't stop or slow down, but kept moving at his slow but steady pace. The other animals cheered him on, amazed by his determination.

Hours later, the hare woke up from his nap and saw the tortoise was still nowhere in sight. Feeling confident, he started running again, certain he would still win. But as he approached the finish line, he was shocked to see the tortoise just a few steps away from it. The hare sprinted as fast as he could, but it was too late.

With a final push, the tortoise crossed the finish line first. The forest erupted in cheers, and the hare was left in disbelief. The tortoise smiled and said, "Slow and steady wins the race."

From that day on, the hare learned to be more humble and never underestimated the abilities of others. And the tortoise became a symbol of perseverance and determination for all the forest animals.


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