Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Story Telling : The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a young shepherd boy who watched over a flock of sheep near a quiet village. The boy was easily bored as he tended to the sheep, and he longed for some excitement.

One day, to amuse himself, he thought of a trick to play on the villagers. He ran toward the village, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!"

Hearing his cries, the villagers dropped what they were doing and rushed to the pasture to help the boy fend off the wolf. But when they arrived, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their worried faces. "It was just a joke," he said, enjoying his prank.

The villagers were not pleased and warned the boy not to cry wolf when there was no danger. But the boy found their reaction so entertaining that a few days later, he did it again. "Wolf! Wolf!" he yelled. Once more, the villagers ran to his aid, only to find that there was no wolf. The boy laughed and laughed, but the villagers were angry. "Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us," they said and returned to their work.

Days later, a real wolf actually did come out of the forest and began attacking the sheep. Terrified, the boy ran towards the village, crying louder than ever, "Wolf! Wolf! Please help! There's a wolf!"

This time, the villagers did not believe him. "He won't fool us again," they said, and they ignored his cries. The wolf had a feast among the sheep, and the boy was helpless to stop it.

After the wolf left and the boy returned to the village with the sad news, the villagers shook their heads. "Nobody believes a liar, even when he tells the truth," they said.

The boy learned a hard lesson that day: lying breaks trust, and without trust, even the truth can become powerless. From then on, he took his responsibilities seriously and understood the importance of honesty.


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