Friday, June 21, 2024

Story Telling : The Little Prince

Once upon a time, a pilot crashed his plane in the Sahara Desert. While trying to repair his plane, he met a little boy with golden hair who seemed to appear out of nowhere. The boy, who called himself the Little Prince, asked the pilot to draw him a sheep. Surprised and intrigued, the pilot obliged, and their friendship began.

As they spent time together, the Little Prince shared stories about his life and travels. He came from a small asteroid called B-612, where he lived alone, tending to his three volcanoes and a rose. The rose was beautiful but vain, and her behavior confused and saddened the Little Prince.

One day, the Little Prince decided to explore other worlds to learn more about life. He visited several asteroids, each inhabited by a peculiar adult. He met a king who ruled over nothing, a vain man who craved admiration, a drunkard who drank to forget his shame, a businessman obsessed with counting stars, a lamplighter who followed senseless orders, and a geographer who never explored his surroundings. Each of these encounters left the Little Prince puzzled by the strange behaviors of adults.

Finally, he arrived on Earth and met a fox, who taught him a valuable lesson about love and relationships. The fox explained that to truly know and love someone, one must establish ties and take time to understand them. The fox’s wisdom helped the Little Prince realize the importance of his rose, despite her flaws, because he had cared for her and made her special.

As the days passed in the desert, the pilot and the Little Prince grew close. However, the Little Prince missed his rose and longed to return to his asteroid. One evening, he encountered a snake who promised to send him back home with a bite. Though the pilot tried to dissuade him, the Little Prince believed this was the only way to reunite with his beloved rose.

The next morning, the Little Prince's body was gone, but the pilot never forgot him. He repaired his plane and left the desert, but he often looked up at the stars, wondering if the Little Prince had made it back to his rose.

The story of the Little Prince reminds us of the importance of love, relationships, and seeing with the heart. It teaches that the essence of life lies in what is invisible and that we should cherish the bonds we form with others.


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