A story from someone who mentions that there are people whose bodies are paralyzed, so just sit in the house. The pain has been going on for so many years. To make him desperate.

Doctors have declared incapable of treating it they declare it to their families and children.

One day, there was a scorpion falling from the roof of his house just above his body, and he could not get rid of it because he could not move from his seat. The scorpion crept into his head and stung it several times.

After which surprisingly the body can be moved from the sole of the foot to the head. The blood of life flows into all the organs of the body, and healing spreads throughout the body.

The man recovers and is well again, he stands on his feet, walks in his room, opens the door, and goes to his family and his children.

By the time he stood up they could not believe what was happening. They were shocked. And to them he told what had happened.

The most holy god who has healed the man in this way.

According to research doctors mention that there are serum antibiotics that contain toxins. If the toxin is chemically reduced, then the serum can be a cure for people with paralysis.

The omnipotent of the virtuous, who does not bring down any sickness unless he also decreases the antidote.